Saturday, January 5, 2013

Having a go round with blogger

Having a go round with blogger.  So I've deleted post that are older then 6 months and went through my albums and deleted old photos, even though I still have storage room.  I guess it's kind of like cleaning and purging my craft area, which I still need to do.
 Still can't figure out why I can't directly upload photos to my blog so for now I'm using my web album and loading it from there.  Hate the extra step, but at least I got photos to post for my next DT assignment. 
  of course the time I spent working on this has left me with no time to do a fun post for today.  Oh well there's always tomorrow.
From the feed back I'm getting it seem like its a bug of some sort with blogger I know it has been at least the last 24 hrs for sure. Hope it gets fixed soon


  1. BLogger gave me fits about photos awhile back, but I was unknowingly out of space (in the middle of a DT post, no less!). I had to resize a bunch of old photos, re-upload them, delete the old ones, etc. I made enough space for it to work, then all of the sudden a few weeks ago I have plenty of space (like only used 5% or something crazy). I definitely resize now, but it's another step in the process. I could have just bought more storage, but now that I have free space I guess I'm ok for awhile. It's a nice service, but Blogger can be quirky every now and then. GOod luck!

  2. I am having the same problem with Blogger at the moment too Haven. So I've been uploading photos to my web album instead, then from there uploading them to sites. So it must be a problem with blogger in general I think.

  3. I've been seeing different things around blog land to. I personally had to buy more space, but it was cheap enough and now I'm good. was only $5 for another 20GB I think ..
