Thursday, May 24, 2012

I should start writing a book of all the kid based adventures in the house.  I thought nothing could top having to drive from Eugene to almost Portland that I did yesterday to get my middle daughter to her field trip, but here I am with another adventure.  Today Eric locked us out of the house with no shoe, jackets or phone.  Thankfully the garage had extra rain boots and spare jackets for our walk in the pouring rain to the elementary school in hopes that my middle daughter had a house key in her backpack.  Luckily she did and the rain slowed for the trip home.  Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.  No school day yeah!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear your daughter had an extra key!
    Just wanted to let you know, you visited my blog and you asked about the jettys. I live in Florida so it was the Venice jettys:)
