Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Victoria BC and a sneak peek

I have a sneak peek for you.  This little snippet will be for my final layout with Stick it Down in June.  I'll be stepping down from S.I.D. as I won't have time to commit to a design team this summer.  My daughter is graduating from high school and we have an epic trip planned for the summer.

  Here is the sneak peek Victoria BC

1st day in Victoria- Japenese Garden
We stayed in a cute air bnb across the street from this amazing Japanese Garden.  In the evening there was a farmers market where we got fresh fruit and baklava for dessert our first night.

!st day- Fan Tan Alley
after the garden, we took the bus into downtown Victoria and spent some time checking out Chinatown

1st day- late-day bike ride
Rented bikes late in the day and biked up the coast for about 2hrs

day 2- High tea
Tea at the Empress Hotel.  Blue suede shoe tea was amazing and the treats were very tasty

I have a few  Royal British Museum photos still to turn into a layout

day 3- bike and beach
biked along the coastline to Oak Bay for the afternoon

Also, have some photos from the Art Museum to do as well but that's most of our trip to Canada


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Sketches in Thyme 5/1/24

 Finished the last of my photos from our trip to Canada using the May 1st sketch from Sketches in Thyme

I turned this sketch into a two page spread as well as added some extra photos and moved the journaling to the second page of the layout.  I tried to balance brown and green photos evenly between the pages.  I also added bits of paper in place of titles.  I typically don’t do a title

Thanks for stopping by to take a look 

Monday, May 6, 2024

BC Transit

 Real quick share here with a layout from my trip to Victoria with my daughter.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

TSR May Jumpstart

 I'm a little late for NSD.  

Busy day yesterday celebrating my Seniors last Prom and my son's sixteen birthday party with six teens.  Better late than never.  I'm creating with the scrap room jumpstart sketch for May.

I used squares that are larger than the sketch so I used less of them. Still has the same overall layout which works well with my photos from the Royal BC Museum.  We popped in for a bit before heading to the Empresses for tea.  I was gifted the papers this past week and am excited to have been able to put them to use so quickly. I still have a few more photos from the trip that I hope to get done in the next few days.

Need to get them done before life gets even busier.  30 more school days left this year. Even less for my senior.  If the weather would warm up and dry out I might be able to get the yard and patio in order for the grad party.  Hope you enjoyed my take on the sketch

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Concert Fun

 The kids got to go to two concerts in 2023.  Journey in April and Star Catcher in July

I only have one very dark photo of the kids and my husband at the Journey concert but it's one more memory documented

The star catcher layout was fun to create with all of the rhinestones I stuck down 

Friday, May 3, 2024

Scandi Run

I love creating with #allisondavis sketches

Here's my take on the sketch.  Lots of layers

Thanks for stopping by to take a look

Thursday, May 2, 2024


 My middle daughter Jessica missed Halloween 2022 due to her semester abroad so she made it up to her friends with a summerween celebration.  We pulled out the decorations and bought some watermelons for carving.

The design was a challenge at the retreat I attended in April.  I used some really old Creative Memories 8x8  Halloween paper, so it is pieced together in spots.  I also used some older embellishments to pull it all together.  The tiny circle punches are of the carved watermelons.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024


I know we are in the midst of spring but I'm still working my way through my son's scout photos and they just happen to be of his November campout.

I stretched the photos and added some extra thin banners to fill the gaps.
 I used an embellishment cluster with a phrase in place of a title