Sunday, May 5, 2024

TSR May Jumpstart

 I'm a little late for NSD.  

Busy day yesterday celebrating my Seniors last Prom and my son's sixteen birthday party with six teens.  Better late than never.  I'm creating with the scrap room jumpstart sketch for May.

I used squares that are larger than the sketch so I used less of them. Still has the same overall layout which works well with my photos from the Royal BC Museum.  We popped in for a bit before heading to the Empresses for tea.  I was gifted the papers this past week and am excited to have been able to put them to use so quickly. I still have a few more photos from the trip that I hope to get done in the next few days.

Need to get them done before life gets even busier.  30 more school days left this year. Even less for my senior.  If the weather would warm up and dry out I might be able to get the yard and patio in order for the grad party.  Hope you enjoyed my take on the sketch

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