Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Victoria BC and a sneak peek

I have a sneak peek for you.  This little snippet will be for my final layout with Stick it Down in June.  I'll be stepping down from S.I.D. as I won't have time to commit to a design team this summer.  My daughter is graduating from high school and we have an epic trip planned for the summer.

  Here is the sneak peek Victoria BC

1st day in Victoria- Japenese Garden
We stayed in a cute air bnb across the street from this amazing Japanese Garden.  In the evening there was a farmers market where we got fresh fruit and baklava for dessert our first night.

!st day- Fan Tan Alley
after the garden, we took the bus into downtown Victoria and spent some time checking out Chinatown

1st day- late-day bike ride
Rented bikes late in the day and biked up the coast for about 2hrs

day 2- High tea
Tea at the Empress Hotel.  Blue suede shoe tea was amazing and the treats were very tasty

I have a few  Royal British Museum photos still to turn into a layout

day 3- bike and beach
biked along the coastline to Oak Bay for the afternoon

Also, have some photos from the Art Museum to do as well but that's most of our trip to Canada


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