Friday, September 2, 2022

Overwhelmed this summer

 Hey, all I've been a bit overwhelmed with farm projects this summer.  We have a construction crew currently installing new metal sheeting on the barn.  It's been almost 40 yrs since any work has been done on the barn and we did a bunch of clearing and purging so that the crew could get in and around the barn.  

East wall removal.  It was just covered in rotting plywood.  Fortunate that the support beams were good
New plywood wrap

 Almost finished metal siding

However, we kicked off the construction/ rehabbing of the homestead this past spring with our cooler building.  The walk-in still needs servicing as it hasn't been used in 20-plus years but the compressor is still good as I accidentally turned on the breaker while working on other areas of the building. Currently, I'm purging my brother-in-law's collection of electronic equipment.  I've hauled off some Apple IIe for recycling (those were in use circa 1985) and a bunch of other equally as old monitors and keyboards.  So thankful that our local dump partners with Next Step of recycling and keeping e-waste out of the landfill.

 cleared blackberries and removed a crumbling bay wall.

New post/ beam and cement work

Right now it's a giant party paid but in a week or so it will become our outdoor canning kitchen

Next up is fixing the foundation on our bunkhouse/ cottage.  I think we are going to go with bunkhouse as we move forward as I just set up Amacher Farm LLC.  Our primary focus is going to be heirloom seeds and starts.  We'll probably branch out to produce as well but just getting started.  With my husband and I currently working regular nine to five jobs, we'll probably need a farm hand,  So we are fixing up the one-room bunkhouse in hopes of keeping it from completely crumbling. 

still have a lot more to clear from the south-facing wall

bunch of rot and a cobbled-together foundation that my father-in-law installed.

Trying to prepare for the future and leave a legacy the kids will want to take over and not a headache of broken down and not functioning things that we have taken over from my father-in-law.  He's definitely of a different mindset.  I foresee a bunch of dismantling of ramshackle out-buildings after he passes.  Tom is great at throwing up random spliced-together materials to fit the ever-growing mound of breaking down machinery.

Anyway just thought you all should have an update on what's been going on and why I've been so silent here.  I plan to get crafty again soon.  In the meantime go check out my two favorite challenge sites.  Use Your Stuff and Lasting memories.  

I did get in a bit of creative time with some ashes bottles for my girlfriend.
Now to get back to scrapping.  Thanks for sticking with me through the long read

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